Abuse Deterrent Technologies

Striving to attain certain physico-chemical clinical studies outcomes in order to consider our products to be considered abuse deterrent.

Abuse Deterrent Technologies

Abuse Deterrent Technologies

We suggest that our technologies provide the following physico-chemical properties in order for our products to be considered abuse deterrent:

  • Should be difficult to abuse through crushing, chewing or licking
  • Release of opioid is likely to be slower or not instantaneous in a range of beverages and solvents
  • Should not "dose dump", or instantaneously release the entire dose of opioid, in the presence of ethanol over a range of concentrations
  • When pulverized and reduced to particles, should be difficult and time consuming to syringe or inject in the form and volume suitable for intravenous administration
  • When pulverized or reduced to particles, contains an irritant which should make it difficult or inefficient to snort or inhale
  • Release of opioid should be insignificant or inefficient via heating and vaporization
  • Extraction of opioid which has been microwaved should be difficult or inefficient

Product Pipeline

See our technology in action. Our product portfolio includes both new products, which follow a New Drug Application (NDA) 505(b)(2) FDA regulatory pathway, and controlled-release generic products, which follow an Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) pathway.

View Product Pipeline